Vote YES on Measure RB!

The exact changes for you to see

In full transparency, here are the exact proposed changes.

Below are the exact changes that are being proposed with explanations as to their effects on our city.


Easy to understand changes, right here for you to see for yourself.

Change #1

“The sample ballot materials mailed made available to the registered voters prior to an
election shall describe any major change in allowable land use in a manner that clearly
discloses both the scope and main features of the project (including sequencing or… ”

The Explanation:

This simply allows the City Clerk to make the ballot materials available electronically and save on printing and mailing costs. This is simple change updates that weren’t readily available or accepted in 2008.

Change #2

“h) This article shall not apply to an amendment to or update of the housing element of

the City’s General Plan.

i) This article shall not apply to an amendment to or update of ay other element of the

General Plan (including its local coastal element, as defined in Public Resources

Code Section 30108.55), of the City’s zoning ordinance (as defined and contained in

Title 10, Chapter 2 of the Redondo Beach Municipal Code) or of the zoning ordinance

for the coastal zone (as defined and contained in Title 10, Chapter 5 of the Redondo

Beach Municipal Code) that implements a program in the City’s General plan

housing element. This includes, but is not limited to, an action required to meet the

City’s obligation to accommodate its Regional Housing Needs Assessment

RHNA”) allocation. However, this article shall apply to amendments or updates

that are not made in connection with the required housing element update process

of the City’s obligation to maintain adequate capacity to meet its RHNA allocation. –

This subdivision (i) shall be effective until the earlier of (1) the date that Government

Code section 65913.4 is repealed or (2) January 1, 2036.”

The Explanation:

These sections were added to ensure that our court winning opinions are memorialized into our Charter. Additionally, our next Housing Element will not have any ambiguity on the approval process with State Agencies. This section also adds the sunset date for this change as well as a mechanism in case State law changes in the future.

Change #3

Significantly increase” or “Significant Increase” means any one or more of the following
increases over or changes compared to the as built condition of a neighborhood:

1) The traffic generated by the project produces: (i) more than 150 additional morning or
evening peak hour trips; or (ii) an increase in intersection capacity utilization (ICU) of 0.01
or more at any critical intersection operating at a level of service (LOS) of “E” or worse or
having an ICU of 0.9 or higher; or (iii) any increase in ICU at any City intersection from less
than 0.9 to 0.9 or higher; or (iv) any change in LOS at any critical intersection or on any
critical corridor from better than “E” to “E” or worse. For purposes of determining traffic
increases attributable to a major change in allowable land use, baseline and projected ICU
and LOS conditions shall be determined considering weekday peak hour conditions at such
time of the year when local public schools are in session.

2) The density increase generated by the project produces more than twenty-five (25)
additional residential dwelling units.

3) The intensity of use generated by the project produces more than 40,000 additional square
feet of residential, office or other nonresidential floor area.

The voters declare that dividing a major change in allowable land use that would otherwise

require their approval into partial changes that would not by themselves require their

approval, frustrates their intent to have control over major changes in allowable land use

and is contrary to the purposes of this article. For the purposes of this article, a “significant

increase” occurs if the combination of a proposed minor change in allowable land use with

one or more other minor or major changes in allowable land use in the same neighborhood

approved within eight (8) years preceding issuance of the notice of preparation of an

environmental impact report for the proposed minor change, or, where no such notice is

issued, within eight (8) years preceding commencement of the City’s environmental

analysis for the proposed minor change, meets any increase or change threshold for traffic,

density or intensity of use defined in this subdivision.


e) “Major change in allowable land use” means any proposed amendment proposed

amendment, change, or replacement of the General Plan (including its local coastal element, as

defined in Public Resources Code Section 30108.55), of the City’s zoning ordinance ( as defined

and contained in Title 10, Chapter 2 of the Redondo Beach Municipal Code) or of the zoning

ordinance for the coastal zone (as defined and contained in Title 10, Chapter 5 of the Redondo

Beach Municipal Code) meeting any one or more of the following conditions:

Peak hour trips” means the number of peak hour vehicle trips a major change in allowable land

use would generate on a daily basis. Peak hour trips generated shall be calculated by using the

most recent version of the Trip Generation Manual of the Institute of Transportation Engineers

ITE) in effect on the date the City issued the notice of preparation of an environmental impact

report for a major change in allowable land use, or, where no such notice is issued, when the

City commences environmental analysis for the major change.



i) “Proponent” means any individual, firm, association, syndicate, partnership, corporation, trust

or any other legal entity applying with the City for a change in allowable land use. If the City

itself initiates the change, it shall be deemed the proponent for the purposes of this article.

j) “Significantly increase” or “Significant Increase” means any one or more of the

following increases over or changes compared to the as built condition of a


1) The traffic generated by the project produces: (i) more than 150 additional morning

or evening peak hour trips; or (ii) an increase in intersection capacity utilization

ICU) of 0.01 or more at any critical intersection operating at a level of service (LOS)

of “E” or worse or having an ICU of 0.9 or higher; or (iii) any increase in ICU at any

City intersection from less than 0.9 to 0.9 or higher; or (iv) any change in LOS at any

critical intersection or on any critical corridor from better than “E” to “E” or worse.

For purposes of determining traffic increases attributable to a major change in

allowable land use, baseline and projected ICU and LOS conditions shall be

determined considering weekday peak hour conditions at such time of the year

when local public schools are in session.

2) The density increase generated by the project produces more than twenty-five (25)

additional residential dwelling units.

3) The intensity of use generated by the project produces more than 40,000 additional

square feet of residential, office or other nonresidential floor area.

The voters declare that dividing a major change in allowable land use that would

otherwise require their approval into partial changes that would not by themselves

require their approval, frustrates their intent to have control over major changes in

allowable land use and is contrary to the purposes of this article. For the purposes

of this article, a “significant increase” occurs if the combination of a proposed minor

change in allowable land use with one or more other minor or major changes in

allowable land use in the same neighborhood approved within eight (8) years

preceding issuance of the notice of preparation of an environmental impact report

for the proposed minor change, or, where no such notice is issued, within eight (8)

years preceding commencement of the City’s environmental analysis for the

proposed minor change, meets any increase or change threshold for traffic, density

or intensity of use defined in this subdivision.

The Explanation:

This section was simply re-organized to be in a more standard format. The old ordering was in the same orderly format that city used at the time. No changes are made,

Word Removed
Words Added
Sections Re-Organized
Unanimous Elected Leaders Agree

Vote YES on Measure RB!

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