• Every neighborhood in Redondo Beach could face free-for-all development.

  • No parking requirements, No height requirements, No density requirements!

  • More lawsuits, more legal bills, loss of local control, loss of mitigation of impacts.

  • Effects felt forever: projects will be granted by right.

  • Complete State take-over of our local zoning will result in disastrous long-term affects.

If this ballot measure does not pass, the likelihood of a State takeover of our local zoning becomes an immediate threat to our city. This ballot measure is the result of many lawsuits against the city, which were all won, and our State certified “Housing Element”. The many lawsuits which were won all had different opinions by the many various Judges.

Additionally, our “Housing Element”, was certified in September of 2022. A “Housing Element” is a certified State of California document that lays out all of our zoning for housing, commercial, and industrial zones. This document lays out new housing and updated housing locations for future development. Over 3,000 new housing units were zoned for, as demanded by the State.

If this ballot measure fails, the likelihood of a State takeover of our local zoning dramatically increases. This will result in nearly unlimited amount of housing that can be built in our city. The effects will last forever. Once the housing is permitted and built, the underlying zoning can not be removed.