Redondo Beach City Council is unanimous in support of Measure RB


Simple Change = Better Communication

  • Allows for electronic distribution of future ballot measures.

  • No loss of of paper copies: All ballot materials will be made available via paper copies in addition to electronic copies.

  • This simple change allows for a more efficient delivery of government services during an election time.

  • Now, future ballot measures can be made available in all forms to the voters, not just one paper version.

This simple change, removing “mailed” and replacing the word with “made available”, creates a significant change in the way future ballot materials are sent to the public. Instead of printing and mailing voluminous reams of paper to voters, the ballot materials can be sent electronically, via email and website, or sent via other electronic media.

The backwards compatibility to allow paper materials to be distributed allows anyone to see the changes in the way that suites them best. Allowing our local government to be run with greater efficiency, this change will allow our elections to be run simpler and more efficient.