Best Services In Town

  • STOPS developers from trying to use our own laws against us.
  • Aligns State laws to our Charter and clears up any ambiguity.
  • Protects our city from free-for-all development by ensuring ALL aspects of State government, from the Courts to State Legislature to State Departments are followed.
  • Cleans up any ambiguity in all of many court rulings that gave us our legal wins.

Developers and opportunistic land owners  alike try a multitude of far reaching legal arguments and interpretations of our local zoning laws and Charter requirements to gain the upper hand in up-zoning their land. Our own city Charter was used to attack our State certified “Housing Element”.

Courts do not understand the many thousands of laws that the State of California has to regulate and enforce compliance with their goals they set forth. We meet the State goals, follow their rules and comply with the many various aspects of State law.

Now, there is a Statewide movement to use cities own laws against themselves and the State. This creates a web of arguments and confusion.

Adding these small additions to our city Charter clears up any confusion moving forward, hardening our laws against those that try to take advantage of our city.