Automatically restores changes to original status if State Housing mandates changes.

  • If State law changes sooner than expected, there is an automatic trigger that allows for the original Charter provision to be restored. For instance, if Our Neighborhood Voices, a state-wide ballot initiate passes, the full effect of this provision goes back into effect.

  • Local control preserved. The language that is being changed preserves the most important part of local zoning: your vote.

  • This change is extremely narrowly tailored to only affect the State mandated “Housing Element”, nothing else. If zoning changes are sought outside of the housing element, the full-force of this Charter section stays in place.

  • Preserves local control today and tomorrow. This Charter update merely updates a small portion of our City Charter, which will result in a focused update to comply with court opinions and mandated State laws.

The sunset clause is a built in trigger that automatically kicks in either when State laws changes or at a future date: January 1st, 2036.